Space vehicle "Mars-3".

Space vehicle "Mars-3"

"Mars" - is a series of the Soviet autometic interplanet stations for Mars investigation; programmes of the investigation and launching. The maximum starting mass is about 4,65 tones. in 1962 - 1977 7 "Mars" stations carried out the flights. the "Mars-2" capsular reached Mars for the first time. The lowerring apparatus "Mars-3" landed in mars (1971). In 1973 four "Mars" stations carried a flight along the interplanet route. "Mars-5" became the 3d soviet artificial sattelite of Mars the Planet. "Mars-6" reached the surface of Mars.

The space apparatus "Mars-3" carried the investigations from the artificial satellite orbits and transmitted the information in infrared, ultraviolet range and in the radiowaves range. The temperature of the Earth Polar "hat" in Mars was measured (-110°C), the temperature of the atmosphere, of the planet surface and the coloured Mars images.

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