The big dog.

The big dog

The big dog lays to the south-east of Orion. There is a brightest star of the sky there - Sirius (-1,5 of a star velue). Sirius and the constellation was accounting with the dog about 5 thousand years. In the ancient Egypt it was called an anticipating star. Its morning rise forcasted the Nile flood. The Greeks called Sirius "a dog", and romes - "small dog", i.e. "Canicula", which showed the beginong of the hot year time. During these "dog's" or "canicula's" day the pomes went to the vocations. The name Sirius may be connected with the Greek "serios" - "bright".

Sirius has a satellite - a whie dwarf, rotating around the planet with the period of 50 years. Its mass is the same as the Sun's one. (r=1t/cm^3).

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